
Showing posts from January, 2024

Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Gunther dominated The entire match over Kofi it was a tag team match on Monday night raw Kofi still losing

Kofi has been on a losing streak for awhile now it seems like The new day has falling apart ever since bilge couldn't wrestle anymore due to injuring his neck so he decided to Walk away from the ring but still works behind the business instead even when Kofi and woods in tag match they fall so Kofi decided to challenge Gunther for intercontinental championship match went down on Monday night raw Kofi came out doing everything he could but Gunther countered all of kofi moves those chops Kofi couldn't handle especially the powerbomb leading to Kofi loosing the match

bron breaker looks like hes headed to smackdown main roster so far he's building a successful career in WWE right now

Bron breaker the son of The legendary Rick Steiner Bron got signed to the wwe where he made his debut on NXT where he made a big impact destroying opponents back to for awhile now he even became NXT champion twice done all of this and is only 26 years old he just made a really big impact in the 2024 mens royal rumble eliminating opponents before he got thrown out himself could have won it all if he had just watched his back big rumor is that he could be going to smackdown to sign a contract to be on main roster

Jey uso got that win over Bronson reedi know he has to be angry that someone smaller pinned him for the Three count

Jey USO hasn't had a good winning streak for awhile on Monday night raw he won the tag team titles with Cody Rhodes then hot screwed by his own brother Jimmy also lost against other opponents in single matches but now he stepped up and challenged Bronson reed a opponent that is much bigger and definitely much stronger than him reed was dominating over most of the match until he messed up by missing The big splash coming off the top ropes causing Jey to do his own splash to pick up the win in the ring it could've ended in double count out

All three got stacked and pinned by champion still undefeated Roman reigns knocking down Randy aj and la knight

It all started as number one contenders match to See who was going to face Roman reigns One on one at the royal rumble but Roman reigns did got him put in fatal four way match instead of one on one he interfered in triple threat match made nick angry so he decided to make royal rumble match fatal four way but Roman reigns came and stacked all them up and pinned them getting him closer to beating The most wins record in WWE See they lost because they were to busy fighting and arguing with each other Roman reigns pinned AJ styles

she just dominated Nina jax by slamming her and eliminating her from the women's royal rumble match

Jade Cargill made her debut tonight at The 2024 women's royal rumble she came IN knocking down multiple women including jax jade is The first woman to slam jax picked her up and threw her over the ropes lelemating jax jade definitely going to dominating over the locker room after this especially if she decides to be on either raw smackdown or NXT showsTalking about making an impact she definitely dominated Nina jax I guess jax meet her match in power even jax couldn't believe it this probably going to be a WrestleMania 40 match jade vs jax two power houses

kofi challenges general Gunther to intercontinental championchip match on raw it's going to be a brutal match

Could there be a new intercontinental champion on Monday night raw because kofi put out the challenge that he wants the general Gunther in the ring for the belt could kofi do something nobody else did take away his belt so far Gunther is undefeated in championship matches have beaten so many big and small even in triple threat matches I don't think kofi can handle the slaps and torture Gunther be giving out in the matches if raw Adam makes it official match it's going to be brutal one going down kofi better comes prepared to go to battle especially against a general

Cody , Bianca, Ripley made the cover of the award winning highest selling wwe 2k24 game still doing good months later

In WWE when you make a big impact on fans They want you to be successful in other things movie's, TV shows, commercials deals so when they ask The fans who they want to see in The cover of the next generation WWE game The fans told them and 2k delivered putting Cody Rhodes Bianca beliair Rhea Riley on The cover not a lot of superstars make The cover but when they do it's big all over the world it brings in other deals in video gaming especially when WrestleMania cones around they do videos games tournaments for The championship belts

WWE & A&E are back February 25 2024 starting 8 pm with shows like WWE treasures documentaries and so much more

WWE weekend is back on A&E with the supervisors the shows that started the season all new episodes going down with WWE legends ,wwe rivals, but it's missing other shows I don't see the advertisement for WWE treasures and stone Cold takes on America unless they are filming new episodes and trying to figure out what time slot they can air The shows or they don't get The Green light to start with the series or they decided to not renew the shows just stick with the two they have already filmed I wonder who's going to be on WWE legends series where you get to see where they're from ho we they got into wrestling

Jinder mahal can he defeat Seth Rollins on Monday night raw and become new champion or fail like he normally does

So far Jinder mahal hasn't been in the ring for a while competing against others last week he got beat up by the Rock Jinder mahal shouldn't have hit him he tried to do the same to Seth Rollins and Rollins fought back it's now a WWE title match on Monday night raw Jinder mahal vs Seth Rollins The last time Jinder mahal was was when he defeated Randy orton April 2017 than he went on to win us title at WrestleMania 34 in 2018 so he definitely can handle Seth Rollins to try and take The title away from him

Roman reigns could loose it' all in one night but and going for the record as number 1 champion in wwe

Roman reigns hasn't been pinned in the ring since Jey uso but he's still champion on top it could've been One on one at royal rumble but he has to get involved the match with The bloodline destroying all Three but he just might have destroyed himself as of now that match as become a fatal four way no rules anything goes other wrestlers can get involved causing someone to loose Roman reigns doesn't have to be pinned to loose the belt it could be orton pinning AJ styles or La Knight pinning Roman reigns if roman reigns loses he destroys any chance of defeating the record

The Rock going after the Head of the table or building his own bloodline to take over and dominate the WWE

Oh shit Roman reigns finally got someone he never fought before and is going to whoop Roman reigns ass it's the rock multiple times champion he first showed up and beat up theory on smackdown now he came out on raw whipped Jinder and layed out a massage he wants the Head of the table is it going to be at WrestleMania 40 this could be the biggest in wwe history especially in Philadelphia family vs family to bloodlines want to be at Head of the table But only One can be sitting in the chair I know Roman reigns and blood line has to be watching especially Paul Heyman