
Showing posts with the label Nike

Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Air Reigns Jordan Brand sent Roman reigns his own sneakers and more to represent himself and the bloodline in style when going to the ring to fight

Roman reigns had a helluva successful career winning multiple matches through out the years since joining the wwe beating down multiple opponents small like ray mystero and big like taker he defeated opponents on both monday night raw and smackdown holding a record of 1,316 making the top four list of legends that holds the most wins holding The world title now he has his own Brand Air regins sneakers and clothing by Nike and Jordan Brand once they hit the store's I know people are going to be rocking and collecting them  from kids to adults I know the wwe website probably going to have them