
Showing posts with the label OTC Roman reigns

Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

OTC Roman reigns and Jimmy uso got destroyed on smackdown they need help to get payback over solo and the bloodline

who can otc Roman reigns and Jimmy uso relie on to join them to dominate over solo and his bloodline because jey uso is on Monday night raw as the international champion Roman reigns don't want jey to be apart of the family feud he rather see him continue to grow as a single superstar so who's out there that can get down with them its so many of them to pick from survivo series is five on five i think the final boss the rock is the real tribal chief not solo that's been behind their improvements Sami Zayn eas a original member he might just return to help Roman reigns and Jimmy uso and since Cody Rhodes became close nowadays probably join but that's only four they need one more maybe the son of legendary umaga zilla fatu trained by another legend booker t zills could be on his way to wwe because he was released from were he was and wwe has a tradmark name and logo setup already its just waiting for the right time to appear either on smackdown or one of the pay per vi...