
Showing posts with the label rtruth

Rtruth just became the second victim of Bronson Reed big tsunami splash on Monday night raw who's going to be his third victim

RTruth always getting Mis into crazy matches except when they won tag team champion belts that lasted about two weeks or less than got involved with judgement day for awhile now RTruth has done it getting Mizin a match with Bronson Reed he thought he was bron breaker for intercontinental champion belt once Miz saw the tv he flipped for a second until orton motivated him to go our there and fight but Miz got pinned RTuth moved Miz and he got attacked by the tsunami multiple times just like Seth Rollins RTruth is the second victim now Bronson Reed has been suspended for his attack's on Monday night raw who's going to be the one who stops Bronson Reed rampage on superstars of Monday night raw when he comes back