
Showing posts with the label wwe2k24

Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Cody , Bianca, Ripley made the cover of the award winning highest selling wwe 2k24 game still doing good months later

In WWE when you make a big impact on fans They want you to be successful in other things movie's, TV shows, commercials deals so when they ask The fans who they want to see in The cover of the next generation WWE game The fans told them and 2k delivered putting Cody Rhodes Bianca beliair Rhea Riley on The cover not a lot of superstars make The cover but when they do it's big all over the world it brings in other deals in video gaming especially when WrestleMania cones around they do videos games tournaments for The championship belts