
Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Rey Mysterio injured he couldn't fight referee declared Santos Escobar winner because Rey had an concussion and the trainer called it

Last night on Friday night smackdown Rey Mysterio good at it hard with Santos Escobar both countering each other moves high flying action in and out the ring then Rey Mysterio gets knocked down to the floor match had to be stopped so the trainer can examine Rey Mysterio he told the referee that Rey Mysterio couldn't finish the match so The ref had no choice but to make Santos Escobar The winner that going to face theory for the Belt at summer slam it had to be real serious injury to stop the match either it is concussion or neck injury or chest injury 

battle Royal at summer slam going down legends join in with the new generation to make a full roster on the show and pay each other respect

The battle Royal has created legendary careers through out the decades for a lot of wrestlers winning it so many of wrestlers have came back to join in that fan's haven't seen in years that moved on from wrestling to build their own training wrestling gyms like edge this years battle Royal is part of summer slam going down august 5th no telling who's going to pop up and join in to try to win it making a impact at summer slam could be the return of big e from injured neck or return of Kofi Kingston John Cena might make surprise entrance 

Jey uso hits Roman reigns with his own spear move taking him down and leaving him in the ring holding his stomach in pain

Roman reigns is afraid of Jey uso you can see it in his face each week on smackdown that's why they had to double team him Jey won his match as soon as the match was over Solo jumps in stomping on Jey but it went wrong and Jey kicked him in the face Roman tried to run in and attack Jey but instead he got speared by his own move by Jey inbarassing Roman in front of the entire crowd on smackdown both Roman and Solo ganged up on him to knock him out but that's just going to make Jey even dominate summer slam even more to win the title finally shutting up Roman.

rey vs Santos winner gets title shot for us champion belt tonight on smackdown against Austin theory champion

Rey Mysterio vs Santos Escobar together form lwo with a few others but tonight They have to face each other for the first time as opponents in the Ring each fighting for a shot to go for united states'championshio gold against theory if Rey wins another win added to his legendary career but if Santos defeats Rey his career sky rocket's to another level defeating a Hall of famer and winning united states'Gold be the perfect combination for his career but I know someone is going to interfere with the match The idiots that hangout with theory or somebody Rey defeated in the past

looks like the elders are angry at Roman reigns and put him in a brutal match called tribal combat to settle things between him and Jey

Roman reigns went to far beaten up jimmy putting him in the hospital because The elders came up with The brutal match called tribal combat the match style is anything goes ladders chairs sticks pipes furniture rope's vehicle's to run each other over Roman reigns can even use his champion belts to smash Jey head in but don't think Jey going down easy like that Jey going to dominate and celebrate with the elders being there  holding Roman reigns belts high over his head as The New champion of smackdown starting his legacy in WWE as single champion and future hall of famer

Mattel 2023 wwe Action figures at comic con they have created so many and made better than other companies WWE was with

Mattel toy company revealed The all new wwe collection multiple superstars got to see their new figures they even had new Muhammad Ali action figure it all went down at this years comic con a lot of people came out to see their favorite wwe superstars ask questions get autographs take pictures and videos and buy collectibles to take home to add to their collection the superstars that was there Seth Rollins ,Mick Foley, Johnny gargano,Chelsea green on stage meeting The fans and media talking about the newest action figures it was so many more figures there to many to keep up with 

Wwe potato chip franchise we as fans would definitely buy them up especially if they create good flavors to eat

Wwe needs to tap in and start their own potato chip franchise so many flavors that's not been created yet that millions of wwe fans make themselves that They can put out so other's can taste what WWE could do is have fans write in tell them what flavors they would love to eat so they can get ideas for The franchise put your favorite superstars as chip designs it will make big profit because so many people love chips the price would be reasonable so everybody can buy them put them in most stores so people can get them 

Asuka,Bianca, Charlotte triple threat battle only one winner leaving as world champion at summer slam

When you put Three of The toughest women in the ring together you're definitely going to have a problem askua is the champ bianca got that drive to push herself to get back on top as The champ Charlotte is looking to break that legendary record and to become champion once again all three is going to push their bodies to make sure they Get that win but it can only be One champion that can wear The Belt if askua retains her title she'definitely going to brag none stop about beating them  so I know it's going to be a good throw down match 

Jey vs Roman tribal combat blood is going to be spilled everywhere probably going to be both of them bleeding before the match even starts

Tribal combat is all out war battle blood shed I think Roman reigns is going to be beaten up bad and loose his title because Jey got that drive that hungry to succeed to be on top as champion you can't stop somewhere that has both of them Three weeks straight jet has beaten up Solo but is Solo going to interfere in the summer Slam match or is he going to sit back and not do anything and let them go at it one on one anything goes weapons chair's tables it's like a old style street fight from the attitude era 

Jey uso The real chief t shirt dropped he definitely proved that he was on top and still is selling out fast

Jey USO bringing The fight to Roman reigns on smackdown he already took out Solo and  finally got to kick Paul Heyman in the face one thing Left to do is take away That title belt away from Roman reigns But he's going to do it in style in his own WWE t-shirt The real chief Roman reigns definitely going to be pissed about this you can find it on wee shop website it's only $29 dollars definitely reasonable price I know it's going to be in different colors soon especially if somebody wants to buy a lot of them to resell in their store.

Is Roman reigns going to except Jey USO challenge it's going to be brutal both fighting to be on top but only one can win

Roman reigns and Solo took things to far by hitting jimmy multiple times with the belt than with the stairs while Jey was tied up in The rope's But he broke free but They both still was attached sending jimmy to the hospital and out of action for awhile later Jey comes back destroying both of them now Jey is looking for more revenge he wants to take away the one item that's keeping Roman reigns on top it's The championship belt but Roman reigns is trying to break The wwe record for the longest time being champion But if Jey takes his belt than Roman reigns failed to reach the record .

WrestleMania 40 Going Down April 6&7 2024 so many stars showing up match card is crazy in plilphedia

It looks like WrestleMania back in Philadelphia tearing The roof down and breaking crowd record's WrestleMania 40 whos going to be champion in the main events who's going to be cashing in their money in the bank Case is Roman reigns going to be champion or is Rollins going to loose his title is Jey going going to be successful and win championship title from Roman reigns at summer slam and go into WrestleMania 40 is the bloodline going to be strong get your tickets now before they be all gone and you miss our on another year of great matches .

Indus Sher should be at summer slam fighting for tag team champion belts if they were still wwe superstars and had big time manager like Paul Heyman put them on top

Indus Sher has been dominating The WWE since they came in as single wrestlers breaking bones putting other wrestler's on the injured list they have crushed multiple opponents on nxt so when The WWE draft came up Monday night raw They wanted The Duo fast now they on main roster very dangerous they have beat Up every team especially Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander twice so now it's time for their shot to be champion's at summer slam 2023 they Will win in seconds becoming new tag team champions and destroying any body that wanna challenge them They will be underfeated .

The hurt locker returning better than ever street profits and Bobby lashley but it didn't last long and failed big time

It's looks like The hurt locker returning bobby lashley and street profits are joining force's to dominate The WWE as the hurt locker breaking bones and winning titles not like Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander they both failed at it every time especially having mvp as their manager they all turned on each other disbanding The group before it got famous enough not even the clothing brand lasted long enough to sell out But street profits are different They both been champions have successful matches at main event ppv shows so I know They going to be one powerful group

Paul Heyman finally got knocked down he just couldn't stop interfering in usos business with Roman reigns so they had to teach him a lesson

Paul Heyman always been running off the mouth for so long every time he's been interfering in several matches especially big ppv matches he's the main One that wanted both Jey and Jimmy out of The bloodline from the start especially when they Lost the tag team champion belts at WrestleMania 39 Paul Heyman always got them in some plan he came Up with getting them to fight and beat Up other wrestlers in The back jimmy and Jey started getting tired of it' defeated both at money in the bank But Roman reigns and Solo took our jimmy maybe for good now jimmy wants revenge he finally got his foot on Paul Heyman face with one kick to the face

Jay Usos Revenge going after Roman reigns belt can you imagine Jey pinning Roman reigns winning the title ultimate payback

The Usos go revenge at money in the bank when Jay pinned Roman reigns to pick up the history win tonight on smackdown supposed to be The trail of Roman reigns but it didn't work out good Solo and Roman reigns attacked The Usos hit jimmy multiple times with the championship belt than used stairs to inflict more damage Roman reigns threw announcer chairs on Jay while he was down behind the table Solo laid jimmy on table jump off crushing jimmy threw it jimmy was taken to the hospital but Jay came back with revenge he jumped on solo than throwing him into The ring pole grabbed a chair went after Roman reigns hitting him in The stomach and The back but Solo got the worse of The beating now Jay wants to take Roman reigns belt.

Summer Slam 2023 August 5th WWE came through to heat up Detroit with all the action in one day with Roman reigns in main event

It's going down one of the hottest payperviews of The summer who's going to be on the card who's going to be Roman reigns Challenger who's going to step up and fight Rollins for his world title smackdown needs their own ,belts so The usos can go for another title run is both askua and Damien cashing in The money in the bank case at summer slam is Gunther finally going to loose to drew or is drew going to be another victim of Gunther winning streak is Roman reigns still going to be champion and have bloodline together him solo Paul or they finally going to separate

The Usos has ended Roman reigns three year not being pinned in the ring by another wrestler so he definitely going to pay them back with beat down

The bloodline has been running through the WWE like pack of wolves dominating on both shows raw and smackdown beating Up everybody Roman reigns became enemies with that he beaten in matches Roman reigns started turning his back on them when they Lost The tag team champion belts putting them in matches They didn't want to be in at all than he started bullying them pushing and pushing until they pushed back it started with jimmy kicking Roman reigns at night of champions next night than on smackdown Jay was forced to choose between brother and Roman reigns he picked jimmy and kicked Roman reigns in the Head took out Solo to Big match money in the bank Usos destroyed Roman reigns and Solo Jay pinned Roman reigns crushing his Three year streak.

The family fued has begun July 1st money in the bank when theirs family members involved chaos always happens people are going to be beat up

The Usos quit the bloodline now they got a match July 1st money in the bank versus Roman reigns and Solo who's going to be tough enough to get that Big win can Jay take our Roman reigns to Get that win or jimmy pins Solo who is Paul Heyman going to get to interfere with the match is someone going to cash in The same night they win money in the bank on Roman reigns once Usos defeat them leaving him all alone in The ring making it worse for the bloodline already just gotta wait and see what happens .

Usos just crumbled the bloodline together tired of taking orders from Roman reigns empire both decided they had enough

The Usos finally quit the bloodline together They got tired of Roman reigns always giving them orders to beat up others doing what Best for him Roman reigns is the reason why they Lost the championship belts in the first place They still would be champion's today but bloodline was holding them back now they back doing their own thing building a legacy together as we the ones without the bloodline bossing them around They can focus on winning back them tag team champion belts without getting Roman reigns approval but bloodline already plotting to get revenge on both of them probably going to be at money in the bank ppv.

Is Jay uso sticking with brother jimmy or siding with the bloodline or going on his own starting a singles career in wwe

The Usos together been destroying tag team after team even became The longest tag team to hold the championship belts in wwe history since joining in the bloodline it seems like their career as tag team been going down Hill especially losing at WrestleMania 39 they should've been focused on winning but instead They were focused on Roman reigns now it's a problem Jey USO have to choose between family bloodline or his brother or just be by himself as a single wrestler building Up his own career one day winning the world title from Roman reigns or Seth Rollins title .

Wwe women's title design 2023 that Asuka was handed after her big win over bianca belairshe used the green mist to win the match

This New title design could've been belairs but she couldn't handle asuka got pinned in the ring now belair mad that she didn't get it want her match but Charlotte getting one first can Charlotte hang with The New improved asuka using The deadly mist to win over her opponents who's going to step up and win The money in the bank are They dominated enough to take asuka belt away from her is asuka going to be successful champion before The ppv can you imagine Selena wins money in the bank and cash it in to finally win The title 

New women's world title design that Rhea Ripley accepted on Monday night raw months before she had to give it up had short time holding it in her hands

Wwe dabuted the new design on Monday night raw at the beginning of the show rhea had to come to The ring to exchange the old design for the new design that Adam brung out it's just like Rollins title just different colors this title design looks wat better than The titles in The past others look like giant butterfly that was stuck on a fly trap wwe definitely stepped it Up building titles but The Price tag for replica definitely expensive seen it for almost 400 dollars big collector's buying them Up for themselves or somebody to hang Up on the wall 

The Legendary Iron sheik he built a career that still lives on with fans even at young age that wasn't born yet when he was wrestling parents pass down knowledge of the legends

Before he became The legendary Iron sheik he was living in Iran making a name for himself in the army knocking out people than he found amateur wrestling climbing Up The ranking to become number one than he got The Best opportunity to join the summer Olympics and came to America working multiple jobs to support his family than he got into Americas wrestling working hard training with some of the people that became Legends themselves got hurt in the Ring came back as The villain that we still respect iron sheik he was honored at the wwe Hall of Fame with so many others.

indus new tag team champions real soon they could have been dominating over entire tag team division but they're careers was short in wwe

 It's so many tag teams in wrestling that has been dominating but these two are causing destruction in the tag team division putting each tag team on the shelf with broken bones week after week on Monday night raw Benjamin and Alexander never got the chance to even get the match started The referee didn't even get the chance to sigma for the bell to ring both were attached beaten bad especially Alexander I know he got something broken rib's or bone damage see to be successful you gotta get dirty And that's why inbus is going to be successful winning the tag team champion belt's

New wwe undisputed title has been revealed I know Paul Heyman got tired of carrying two belts each week behind Roman reigns new title is way better

Wwe just revealed all new undisputed title on smackdown it looks Way better than the two titles Paul Heyman carrying around for Roman reigns I know carrying two belt's gotta take a toll throwing them in and out of the bags every week traveling from state to state The New title is only One much easier to travel with multiple people don't have to cc carry them for you know I wonder who's going to try to take the undisputed title from Roman reigns he's got Three More name's to beat to have The number One record for the most wins in wwe history as champion.

Solo sikoa turns on his own brothers and attacked them taking Roman reigns side helping him get to the top of wwe still as bloodline

The Usos been down for Roman reigns since they started done everything to help him reach that 1000 record he got as undisputed champion now their own brother Solo siko I think he always wanted to beat Up jimmy and Jey since he got into the wwe especially making a name for himself he dominated nxt as champion since he's been on raw and now smackdown he's dominating it to I think The usos going to get their revenge on both Roman reigns and Solo at money in the bank or next Friday night smackdown next week it's definitely going to be good 

Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler win tag team title they dominated The competition but they're title run didn't last long enough getting beat down and turning on each other

A tag team to step up and challenge them going to have to be much stronger theRonda Rousey & Shayna Baszler just became New women's tag team champions dominating over The rest breaking Bones all over the ring and backstage they definitely go going to be a powerful tag team ruling over The women's tag team division.for a tag team to setup an challenge them going to have to be much stronger than them. I think The both of them going to be champion's for long time breaking records as The longest tag team in The women division causing nothing but

money in the bank July 1 2023 who's going to climb and win it all every year a superstar wins but only a few have failed to cash in the case

Money in the bank made some famous And made some not cashing the case in winning successful made them legends edge ,big e,stef Rollins,just a few that won The big title at WrestleMania going on to be famous this year money in the bank there's New name's want that same feeling climbing that ladder grabbing the case marking their spot at WrestleMania 40 or cashing it in before especially at the right time since raw has their own championship belt held by Stef Rollins he better hope The winner doesn't want to Cash in on him instead Cash it in one Roman reigns belt's The woman that wins money in the bank I don't think that person has a chance against rhea.

Roman reigns pushed The usos to much and they completely snapped back from months of being told what to do

A lot of people think jimmy snapped The reason why he kicked Roman reigns in the head twice nope it's when a family member pushed you to that limit you finally can't take no more of their stupid shit you gotta put hands on them in jimmy case he used his foot right and The Left right up his Big head jimmy finally got his revenge for everything Roman reigns put them through the Usos was doing Way better before they joined the blood line they Lost everything dealing with Roman reigns I know smackdown going to be crazy who's going to get beat Up is Jimmy and Jey going to finish what they started .