
Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

both champions got tough oppenets are both going to walk out as champion or is wwe going to crown new champions

You can only be champion so long before someone better comes and knocks you off the championship mountain and you're have to start over from the bottom making your way back to the top so far Seth Rollins and Ripley hasn't lost a match yet but one up up can cost them the match just like Becky on NXT her opponent was much stronger than her and she messed up her opponent centered her move and pinned her so it can happen to Rollins and Ripley on Monday night raw crowning a new champion for 2024 new year building their legacy

who's going to try to stop Roman reigns winning streak Randy orton,AJ styles or La Knight

Orton looking to take everything from the bloodline including the undisputed title from Roman reigns he's looking to break wwe champion records but now orton has to get through a triple threat match to even get a shot at Roman reigns at royal rumble he and AJ styles and la might the ultimate battle losers have to be in the royal rumble and win to Headline WrestleMania 40 in April they have to eliminate 29 other men whoever pick up the win in triple threat can they stop Roman reigns winning streak and become champion something that nobody has done yet

WWE slim jim custom wrapped car was stolen was it someone that worked with The company and where was security at

The car is a normal Nissan z wrapped in slim jim Logo The nickname of it is fast meat the car made it debut in two events fast Lane and survivor series war games where la knight drove it into the arena and the new day drove it at survivor series war games now it's gone it was supposed to be traveling from Chicago to los Angeles to be in a photo shoot tour but never made it the company had to fill out stolen police report with the land there's a big reward for any information where they can find it

Can randy Orton be the one who can knock Roman reigns of the mountain as undefeated champion on smackdown or become another Roman reigns victim

Randy orton returns to smackdown as part of the roster by signing a contract to get payback on The blood line that caused him to be on injured shelf having successful surgery and cleared to wrestle finally getting his hands on both jimmy and Solo but is Randy orton going to be the one who's going to knock Roman reigns off that champion mountain because Roman reigns has been stacking his victims one by one so far nobody has done it yet the only one that got close enough to winning was Jey uso than jimmy decided to screw him out of the match by grabbing him before the Three count messing everything up for Jey uso 

Bray Wyatt should be the first 2024 hall of famer inductee his career became legendary especially winning world title in WWE and more

Made his career debut in February 5th 2009 defeating a man named Brian in Florida wrestling but June 2 2010 he was in NXT as husky Harris made it through NXT defeating opponents by than he became a member of the nexus group beating up wrestlers especially making John Cena lose matches later the nexus group was no more he than moved on to become Bray Wyatt and creating the Bray Wyatt dominating over opponents in and out of the ring especially with randy Orton they both went at it for awhile the Wyatt family members even tried to assault the rock but it didn't work out

Seth Rollins vs Jey uso title match who's going to Walk out with the title and be on top of the division holding it

On yesterday Monday night raw November 27 2023 Seth Rollins came out to give his blockbuster announcement of who's going to be his next opponent for his wwe world title but before he can say it drew McIntyre comes out to The Ring always complaining but Seth Rollins already destroyed him at the pay per view crown jewel now he wants another shot at it but Seth Rollins has picked someone newt that hasn't fought him he told drew that he picked Jey uso for next week's Monday night raw drew got really angry went on attack model but Jey uso came out and helped him can Jey USO win the big title without getting screwed out the match 

Randy Orton is back and ready to get revenge on all who beat him down and took him out starting at survivor series

Last time we seen Randy Orton was back in May of 2022 where he lost the tag team,,titles on raw to the usos on Monday night raw he had to step away from the ring because his back injury he couldn't walk staff had to help him get backstage to the lock room he decided to get back surgery to fix and stop The pain and get back that was last November when it was done survivor series war games he made his big return They dominated over judgment Day especially when randy did on all of them he could be once again champion

team bianca belair vz team Bailey' team who's going to dominate you know damage ctrl can't handle bianca belair strength once she gets started

War games it's here the battle to be the number one group on smackdown or who's going to dominate for their team and get the win is bianca belair going to finally destroy Bailey' you never know could be someone on either side make their own team loose so they can join in the other group in the past the survivor series wrestlers use to battle for brand rights raw vs smackdown but there be plot twist somebody from either brand flip's on their own team and eliminate them walking out as either raw or smackdown new roster members causing general managers to be mad now it's whole new plot team vs team on same brand called war games created by legendary Dusty Rhodes 

can the miz knock Gunther off the mountain to become the new intercontinental champion or is the miz going to be another victim

Gunther has destroyed every opponent that he faced in intercontinental champion match for his title he fought most of two or three times and still came out a winner he has beaten Rey Mysterio, Ricochet ,Sheamus ,Braun strowman, Madcap moss ,Chad gable ,Tommaso ciampa ,and his biggest toughest opponent Bronson Reed who almost put Gunther out but Bronson Reed became another victim of Gunther by a powerbomb and pinfall now he's facing miz 8 time ic champion looking to be on top of the mountain by defeating Gunther can he do it knowing the miz he's got a plan to have somebody get involved with the match to help him win

Has Rhea Ripley met her match at survivor series fighting Zoey stark both got similar style of fighting straight hardcore

Rhea Ripley has been on top as champion since she defeated Charlotte at WrestleMania 39 knocking down many oppenets after that especially at crown jewel where she was in fatal four way match she could have lost her title without getting pinned down her plan was to let them beat each other Up and than come in and pin who ever knocked out and it' worked she left crown jewel still WWE champion now she facing Zoey starkl who was hanging with Trish until she turned on her now she's got title shot but is judgement Day going to get involved 

who's going to win it all for their team you know the judgement day have to cheat to get the win in all their matches

Survivor war game the only way to win is to destroy the other team but it may be plot twist somebody might turn on their team it could end up being five on four taking out jey uso and the others it's going down in Chicago somebody is going to make history Rollins might lose his world title especially if Damien catches his case in and win than judgement Day definitely be holding major gold you never know what just might happen during the match or after the match it could be a surprise return someone joining judgement Day drew might help them win it all over team Cody 

Jey uso triple kick combination at crown jewel all Three members of judgement day was straight kicked in the face Cody got the win

crown Jewel went down Saturday afternoon judgement Day tried their best to interfere with codys match but Jey uso caught them at the right time right up side the head of all three of them finn Balor idiot dom and corny jd mcdonagh that always get involved and messes up everything for judgement Day Jey uso had them running around the arena swinging that chair trying to crack them in the back while Cody knocked out Damien to pick up the win if Jey uso would have caught one of them with the chair their entire body would be hurting bad

Bianca belair wants revenge at crown jewel but first she wants to take out Bailey' that cost her a lot

bianca belair been dominating the women's division since she stepped into nxt in 2016she became the fastest rising superstar in a while talking out everyone she faced she made her debut on smackdown her first match she went on to with women Royal rumble went on to winning womens title ar WrestleMania 37 she than became the longest raw champion holder dominating both brands but she was attacked before summer slam triple threat match going into it with slightly injured kneenot 100 percentbit she won the title only to get ganged up on getting screwed out of her belt had to be put on the injured list had to go home and recover and wait to be cleared it took 2 months but she's back on smackdown for revenge wants to destroy all that have harmed her starting with Bailey

WWE bash on Berlin Germany august 31 2024 first time holding a major event in Berlin I know the fans excited

It's wwe first premium live event there I wonder who's going to head line it both brands or just one who's going to be still champion or is there going to be new champions holding the belts is Rollins and Roman reigns still be world champions or is someone finally going to knock them both off the mountain can Roman reigns hold on to break a long title run that been held for decades to make history can Rey Mysterio hold The US title to become the longest title holder is rhea still be world champion who's going to make The biggest impact for 2024 you got so many shows before WWE bash you never know who's going to come back especially legends

Jey gets revenge on brother jimmy for causing him to lose tag team champion titles that him and Cody won just few weeks ago

first jimmy cause him to lose at fastlane a match jey was really close to winning by one more count than here comes the biggest back stabber in the world his own brother they sat family members is your biggest enemies they weren't lieing about that than comes Monday night raw jey is about to handle business about to go up and splash down when jimmy comes out the crowd destracts Jey cody eas thrown through the table couldn't eup it was like five on two match now The idiots back on top with the tag team champion gold but i bet They won't be having them for Long especially if they were put in multiple tag team tournament their lose quick

Bianca belair returns kicked damage control ass all over the arena on smackdown had them running away

bianca belair is back for revenge taking out damage control for screwing her out of the summer slam win taking her belt is bianca belair going to get what she deserves or is she going to continue beating up damage control every week until they finally give in on title fight it looks like its going down at crown Jewel bianca belair already broke down Bailey now she got two more to go after to lay that smackdown on that title match shouldn't involve the other two damage control members it should be one on one singles but I know someone else is going to involve themselves in it

Roman reigns vz la knight for undisputed champion titles at crown jewels don't think he's going to beat Roman reigns at all

First time in awhile since summer slam since Roman reigns have been in a ppv match he has been dominating the title matches but summer slam he almost lost the titles but stupid jimmy got involved and helped him defeat Jey uso but now he's facing la Knight in Saudi Aruba if Roman reigns loses the record will be a failure and he won't be champion anymore what's Paul Heyman going to do join la night side is Jey going to help la Knight defeat Roman reigns I wonder what style of match it's going to be normal or street fight 

who's walking out as the baddest woman on raw in fatal 5 Way match at crown Jewel

The return of Nina Jax last month made a big impact destroying other women in their matches by throwing them around and aquashing them putting them on the injury shelt now they all back getting revenge on her and each other until Adam had no choice but to make a match that they all can get revenge on each other in a fata five way that means whoever wins walk out with the women's world title and baddest woman on raw Rhea Ripley shyna beszler,Nina Jax Raquel Rodriguez Zoey starkl it's going to be broken bones injuries and more 

bianca belair could be returning at WrestleMania 40 from her injuring her knee in the ring and getting back at all who attacked her

Making her return at WrestleMania 40 bianca belair could be getting her revenge on the biggest wwe event WrestleMania 40 but on who and would it be for the world title she got screwed at night of champions and at summer slam because that's really The last time she was in the ring before she was injured in the ring she have beaten opponents at WrestleMania before is she going to return as her self or a heel and be destroying others that would be good if she joins Bobby lashley and street profits they're take over both divisions of wwe 

Who's leaving Monday night raw champion Gunther or Bronson Reed both big men that's going to break each other apart

Gunther has a new opponent coming for his intercontinental champion belt on Monday night raw so far Gunther has defeated all that came to challenge him some of them multiple times like Chad gable ricochet, Sheamus,drew , others he fought only once like Xavier woods, riddle,madcap, shinuke, Braun strowman,Rey Mysterio but all lost their matches if reed defeats him it will be the first opponent to take the title away from him being that Gunther has broken The 35 year old record for the longest to hold intercontinental champion belt Gunther is going to torture reed especially with the slaps but is it going to affect Reed or is he going to just brush it off

Bloodline trying to recruit rock's daughter ava can you imagine the impact she would've made helping them

is this why Roman reigns really sent Paul Heyman to nxt to try to bring rocks daughter to smackdownor to be on the bloodline is she going to join the family and be brainwashed like jimmy and solo or be like jey and keep doing her own thing creating her own legacy on nxt paul Heyman is successful at helping wrestler's becoming champion look at Roman reigns career now about to break longest champion record big question is the rock watching all this unfold is he going to show up again to handle the bloodline could this be the WrestleMania 40 match 

Seth Rollins still champion defeating the infamous shinsuke Nakamura in last man standing match

Shinuke Nakamura might as well give up on trying to win The world title off Seth Rollins waist everything shinuke has done has backfired on him using Rollins family attacking him from behind with chair shots on his damaged back to soften him up in the match that shinuke still lost either on raw or payperview events especially last night last man standing match at fastlane he hit Rollins with everything except kitchen sink and Rollins still got up shinuke Nakamura went through the table and tried to get Up but didn't make The count loosing the match Rollins walked out still champion 

Jey uso and Cody dominate new tag team champions but holding the titles didn't last long because the involvement of jimmy

Jey USO has been tag team champion with his brother jimmy multiple times even breaking the record as The longest to hold them belts after getting screwed out of them the bloodline didn't want him around so he went on his own war path attacking Roman reigns Solo than getting screwed by his own brother at Sommer slam but before he left smackdown he beat both of them up now he's back on top as tag champion not with his brother but with the man who helped him get to Monday night raw Cody who's going to be there next tag opponents

survivor series going down in Chicago November 25th you have to survive for your team or lose the match be standing alone

It's that time again the battle of the bands is coming to Chicago also known as the windy city who's going to represent their brands of raw and smackdown it could be  brother vs brother jey USO vs jimmy USO could be Seth Rollins team captain vs roman reigns going at it so many options to pick from I've seen wrestlers turn around and screw their team and go with the other brand or it could be a blowout team raw demonstrate smackdown or smackdownor domamsnte raw which wrestler is going to make a comeback in WWE could be the return of Bianca belair for women's team 

Jey uso could be tag team champion again but not with brother jimmy he's teaming up with Cody Rhodes this time

Jey USO been getting attacked by  tag team champions week after week after he turned them down to join their group The judgement Day by kicking them in the face raw went off last week them battling in Big brawl causing both champs not medically cleared to fight tonight but Adam came up with big main event for fastlane Jey uso and Cody vs tag team champions for The titles Jey uso once again can be on top leaving them belt less leading to judgement down fall especially if Rhea loses her title to no more dripping in gold than splitting Up 

John Cena is in 2 on 1 match at fastlane against Solo sikoa and jimmy uso don't think Cena going to win it

How John Cena is going to win this match especially when he got destroyed on smackdownor he thought he could take both Solo and Jimmy on especially when they destroyed AJ backstage area at fastlane they going to dominate the match unless someone comes out and help Cena I know it's not going to be AJ styles Jey uso is going to be there he might help but then  again he's tired of dealing with blood line and anything else on smackdownor that's why he switched to raw John Cena better keep moving around and not get double team or he will loose fast just at WrestleMania 

WWE has signed Jade cargill and has made her career better than before she has been in big event match ups already

Jade has stepped up to the big leagues now signing to a long term contract she definitely have to prove herself by dominating over the entire women's league especially Nia Jax biggest baddest woman on the roster but can Jade handle the pressure of fighting in a elimination chamber match or steel cage match especially if she has title shot she could be in next WrestleMania going against Rhea or other champion it would be good battle between bianca belair and Jade especially when bianca belair comes back off injury which show is she going to make her debut on RAW or smackdownor both 

The elimination chamber February 24 2024 brutal even that can do damage to your body but pays off in title shot to the winner

The elimination chamber the most hardcore match that can elevate your career or break your career several wrestler's that been it became multiple time champion the champion has to battle five other wrestlers to keep that belt but once pinned they no longer champion and have to leave the chamber unti one werestler is standing becoming The new champion is Roman reigns and Seth Rollins going to be world champion before February it could be a upset victory because there's still a money in the bank Case still hasn't been cashed in yet it could be soon on raw smackdown or at The pay per view events 

WWE Royal rumble going down January 27 2024 it can be only one winner to go on and headline WrestleMania

The 37th Royal rumble takes place in Tampa Florida it hasn't been there since 1995 over 28 years ago that the fan's saw their favorite superstars battle in the ring 30 superstars one winner gets a shot to be in WrestleMania The winner in 1995 Royal rumble is Hall of famer Shawn Michael back than it was the 8th Royal rumble and it was still wwf not WWE who's going to step up and be the last in the ring to win it all is it someone from raw or someone from smackdown wwe has a record of wwe superstars winning it

The Rock Returns laying The smackdown on Austin theory with people's elbow for disrespecting him on smackdown

wwe smackdown fans got biggest surprise tonight when the music licked on it was the rock intro and he came out making a big return after so long theory did The wrong thing by putting his hands on rock theory tried but rock countered it did the legendary spine buster that led into the iconic people elbow dropping right into his chest i know he hadbig bruise after getting hit not once but twice I know rock is going after that other idiot greyson that keeps poking at the rock until rock is going to have to drop him to 

Nia Jax back in wwe dominating over the women's division her competition doesn't stand a chance because she is much bigger than all of them in wwe

nia jax the baddest woman has finally made her return on raw stopping Rachel from becoming champion than making a big impact by destroying rhea the womens champion in the ring dropping a legendary move called banzai that's saying she wants that gold belt around her waist instead rhea got big challenge ahead of her she definitely can't defeat nia jax .she made her debut back in May of 2015 dominating over the competition she was tag team champion world champion and now she looking to be on top again as champion owning all the Gold by beating everyone that comes in her path 

who's getting traded from raw to smackdown roster so many to pick from on both brands they can make or break their careers

There's an entire roster on raw superstars to be traded because jey USO is now on raw now so somebody already on raw has to go to smackdown it could be somebody that has championship belt like Gunther or somebody coming back from being injured list who ever it is are they going to dominate on smackdown like They did on raw it could be superstars from a stable like Chad gable just going to have to watch in the next few weeks to see how it will play out on raw who Adam calls to leave either they going to be happy or angry at it

Bobby lashley and street profits out for The gold but Finn Balor and Damien been champions and will cheat to keep them around their waste

The new tag team champions got some tag competition now and They want it all bobby lashley and the street profits definitely going to dominate them in the ring either on smackdown or The next ppv event that going to happen on peacock they should have bianca belair join them to get the woman championship title talking about having all the Gold especially winning world titles from Roman reigns he needs to be knocked off the top as champion so other's can get title shotds I know if wwe have tag team tournament for the number one contender they going to destroy all

Jey uso is officially on RAW because he got tired of being screwed by his own family that's how they really are

when jey use was on bloodline he beat up a lot of superstars in the back before they had their matches even caused them to loose matches in the ring now he left smackdown and joined the raw roster most of the superstars he attacked is on raw with him now he has to watch his back all The time especially being by himself without the bloodline but hey jey uso definitely knows how to take care of himself when it comes down to throwing hands in and out the ring he brat Roman reigns twice

Jey USO is back in wwe on Monday night raw to start his own singles career and dominate to be a champion to

oh shit main event jey uso taken over Monday night raw making his own path to be champion i wonder whos he going after first rey Mysterio us belt intercontinental champion belt,or the biggest belt in wwe world title belt so many to pick from i know he don't want to be stuck in tag team again he already done that already for years now he wants to be single wrestler whooping on opponents week after week dominating in the Ring especially getting title shots he even changed up The intro music to just him saying uso I know he's going to be successful 

Is the pressure getting to Seth Rollins going into payback fighting against a tougher opponent shinsuke Nakamura

wwe payback is this Saturday is seth Rollins ready to go one on one with the infamous shinsukenakamura hes been on a winning streak knocking down every opponent he facedin the ring seth Rollins been suffering from two fractures in his back for four years now going into the match not 💯 percent and shinsukenakamura has bee using that against him attacking him from behind and even using Rollins family Becky and daughter to distract him throwing him offhe could loose the championship belt because of it or he could push through and defeat shinsukenakamura and walk out payback still champion

Wwe and a&e next documentary should be junk yard dog his legacy helped paved the way for so many others to be in wwe today

Wwe and a&e documentaries for season One as ND two was good but season three they need to add The Hall of famer junk yard dog just One of the pioneers that helped paved the way for others to wrestle today they even found the legendary dog collar he wore in most his matches now it's in the WWE warehouse were it belongs with so much history of wrestling they also need to find wrestling gear and Boots to and have entire package so They can showcase it together in the warehouse and add him to WWE elite action figures 

street profits dominating over tag teams division for a while since they debuted on the main roster on both raw and smackdown shows

street profits had dominated faster than a lot of tag teams in the wwe especially winning the wwe belts they became three times champions holding the nxt titles raw and smackdown titles they held The titles for 312 days could've have been more it's been a long time since they have held the tag team titles now since they hooked up with Bobby lashley They been dominating beating the oc i know both want them titles again to be on top of the tag team devision again they need to add bianca belair to The crew they really could dominate over the WWE universe as champion stable 

Hall of famer edge last match vs Sheamus on smackdown 8/18/23 Sheamus should've won the match

Edge debuted in July 11992 in WWE had to make a name for himself and that's what he did went toe to toe with The best until he started winning titles been in multiple WrestleMania main events he won and lost edge has one helluva career been all over the world in his 25 year run 31 tiles combined world heavy weight title 7 time's,WWE champion 4 times, intercontinental champion 5 times, United States championship only 1 Time tag team champion 12 time's and WWE tag team champion had to retire due to serious neck injury bit made his return 9 years later and now he retired his way going out in style 

Rey Mysterio wins United States championship because Santos couldn't wrestle in title match due to his injury

Rey Mysterio got his name from his uncle Rey Mysterio Sr  he to become a successful wrestler himself now retired but he trains next generation he also trained Rey Mysterio in 1989 he started his career fighting all over until he finally got signed to WWE he debuted on July 25 2002 on smackdown knocking down all who challenged him became multiple time champion now in 2023 he finally got back on top as the New United States champion he had to take Santos Escobar place because he wasn't able to compete in The ring couldn't even walk because of the attack 

Kofi Kingston returns new day is back after getting injured and had to have surgery to remove broken bones in leg

the last time we saw the new day was in March in a match on smackdown that's when kofi kingston got injured bad had to get surgery on his legto remove a piece of bone and to fix the damage he couldn't even walk until it healed at One hundred percent so he had to take time off couldn't be wrestling or anything running around even woods took time off to get rest especially when you work so much traveling from state to state I know they both got to do a lot of things with their families going to different places now they back working together in their first match back and They won

Bianca belair has won the title back on top of the women's division defeating the infamous Asuka

Bianca belair has been trying to get back on top of the women's division as champion since askua stole her belt at WrestleMania she's been in multiple matches it seems like askua was afraid of bianca to give her The rematch especially when Charlotte came back and stole the spotlight from her askua gave Charlotte a title match instead on smackdown but belair got involved attacking askua than when finally belair got her rematch Charlotte got involved referee disqualified belair so adam made a decision made triple threat match winner gets the goldand be on top askua got pinned by belair now she's back on top making a bigger impact

Street profits no more joking around they tired of laughing and having fun and want to get back to breaking bones and winning titles again

The street profits started out joking around They have been tag team champions but didn't keep the belts Long enough then they went on long loosing streak singles matches And tag matches beat Up by everybody until Bobby lashley showed up and got them back dominating they destroyed two tag teams in the ring and wasn't even part of the match They just made a big statement don't mess with street profits or you going to pay I know they going to be back on top as wwe tag team champions taking over smackdown to become champion you gotta be  

Jey uso takes down Solo by pinning him and destroying him with a chair it's best way to get ultimate revenge on enemies

jey uso is ready for Roman reigns at summer slam it's his biggest match he ever had since winning the tag team belts with his brother jimmy he's now took out The big enforcer by pinning Solo in the ring amd breaking solo down with multiple chair shots to body than jey threw the chair busting Solo in the head the tribal combat is going to be bloody ,  broken bones, bruses all over the body only one man is walking out the match winner The other could be leaving on a stretcher getting put on amberlance going to the hospital next to jimmy 

Rey Mysterio injured he couldn't fight referee declared Santos Escobar winner because Rey had an concussion and the trainer called it

Last night on Friday night smackdown Rey Mysterio good at it hard with Santos Escobar both countering each other moves high flying action in and out the ring then Rey Mysterio gets knocked down to the floor match had to be stopped so the trainer can examine Rey Mysterio he told the referee that Rey Mysterio couldn't finish the match so The ref had no choice but to make Santos Escobar The winner that going to face theory for the Belt at summer slam it had to be real serious injury to stop the match either it is concussion or neck injury or chest injury 

battle Royal at summer slam going down legends join in with the new generation to make a full roster on the show and pay each other respect

The battle Royal has created legendary careers through out the decades for a lot of wrestlers winning it so many of wrestlers have came back to join in that fan's haven't seen in years that moved on from wrestling to build their own training wrestling gyms like edge this years battle Royal is part of summer slam going down august 5th no telling who's going to pop up and join in to try to win it making a impact at summer slam could be the return of big e from injured neck or return of Kofi Kingston John Cena might make surprise entrance 

Jey uso hits Roman reigns with his own spear move taking him down and leaving him in the ring holding his stomach in pain

Roman reigns is afraid of Jey uso you can see it in his face each week on smackdown that's why they had to double team him Jey won his match as soon as the match was over Solo jumps in stomping on Jey but it went wrong and Jey kicked him in the face Roman tried to run in and attack Jey but instead he got speared by his own move by Jey inbarassing Roman in front of the entire crowd on smackdown both Roman and Solo ganged up on him to knock him out but that's just going to make Jey even dominate summer slam even more to win the title finally shutting up Roman.

rey vs Santos winner gets title shot for us champion belt tonight on smackdown against Austin theory champion

Rey Mysterio vs Santos Escobar together form lwo with a few others but tonight They have to face each other for the first time as opponents in the Ring each fighting for a shot to go for united states'championshio gold against theory if Rey wins another win added to his legendary career but if Santos defeats Rey his career sky rocket's to another level defeating a Hall of famer and winning united states'Gold be the perfect combination for his career but I know someone is going to interfere with the match The idiots that hangout with theory or somebody Rey defeated in the past

looks like the elders are angry at Roman reigns and put him in a brutal match called tribal combat to settle things between him and Jey

Roman reigns went to far beaten up jimmy putting him in the hospital because The elders came up with The brutal match called tribal combat the match style is anything goes ladders chairs sticks pipes furniture rope's vehicle's to run each other over Roman reigns can even use his champion belts to smash Jey head in but don't think Jey going down easy like that Jey going to dominate and celebrate with the elders being there  holding Roman reigns belts high over his head as The New champion of smackdown starting his legacy in WWE as single champion and future hall of famer

Mattel 2023 wwe Action figures at comic con they have created so many and made better than other companies WWE was with

Mattel toy company revealed The all new wwe collection multiple superstars got to see their new figures they even had new Muhammad Ali action figure it all went down at this years comic con a lot of people came out to see their favorite wwe superstars ask questions get autographs take pictures and videos and buy collectibles to take home to add to their collection the superstars that was there Seth Rollins ,Mick Foley, Johnny gargano,Chelsea green on stage meeting The fans and media talking about the newest action figures it was so many more figures there to many to keep up with