
Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Thirty men thirty women one goal to win the royal rumble on February 1 2025 winner Head line WrestleMania 41 in Vegas

The royal rumble was on January 27 2024 over 9 months ago in st Petersburg Florida at the Tropicana stadium over 48 thousand forty four people that attended the event to see who's going to head line WrestleMania forty also it was the debut of jade Cargill at the end of the night the winner's would be Cody Rhodes for the second time and bayley They both would go on to win at WrestleMania 40 to become the new world heavy weight champion next year 2025 royal rumble is in Indianapolis Indiana at the Lucas oil stadium tickets on sale November 15th get them early is Roman reigns going to be the one who's going to take his belt back

Two of the biggest monsters that been causing destruction is now in a match to is who is really The biggest monster in the last monster standing on Monday night raw

one monster can cause so much destruction but two can destroy entire state in seconds Bronson Reed has been taken out wwe superstars each week he took out Seth Rollins than r truth he tried to take out the miz but thats when Braun strowman came running out stopping him it ended in car getting completely destroyed both got injured they met up again when Braun was in triple threat match Bronson Reed smashed him through a table but it ended up both in a wall now its going to be a match on Monday night raw last monster standing both going to be fighting it out until one can't stand at all one monster is the winner but someone might just get involved could be both Seth Rollins and r truth screwing Bronson Reed

Ladder match for the world tag team belts triple threat tonga Tama and tonga loa diy and street profits on next week smackdown

next week smackdown october 4th 2024 tag team champion belts could change hands street profits could finally win them in the triple threat ladder match that's if Solo sikoa and Jacob fatu don't get involved diy already been champs they the reason why bloodline has the title belts i rather see street profits with the titles it's been long time few years in fact they had multiple opportunities to win but something always happens and they get screwed can you imagine the crowd reaction street profits taking them down to win the ladder match their going to be excited and be jumping around

Shark Cage match Rhea Ripley vs Liv Morgan dummy Dom is going to be locked up in a cage hanging high over the Ring where he can't get involved

since Rhea Ripley has been back on Monday night raw she's been screwed out of matches including title match dummy dom turned his back on her helping Liv Morgan win to retain the title than the rest of judgement day turn their backs on her and Damien but at bad blood its going to be different because dummy Dom is not going to be able to interfere in the match because he's going to be hanging high above the ring in a shark cage he can scream but he cant move around unless he wants the cage to fall and get hurt that' leaves Finn jd and Carlito to come running

And the new intercontinental champion the yeet man himself Jey uso has won his first single title in year's now he's have to work much harder to hold on to it

Jey uso has made history adding his name to the legendary lost of family members that have won the belt such as the rock,Rikishi,umags, Roman reigns and he defeated Bron breaker he kept saying that Jey uso couldn't beat him nobody from the family is ever going to do it well Jey uso proved him wrong ny getting The pin 123 The crowd went crazy i know he and the family going to celebrate now bron breaker gotta get back in line for title shot unless he's going for much bigger title The world heavyweight belt that's probably going to happen at next event

Saturday night main event is coming back to NBC after 39 years since it was created it's going to be held in the same arena verterans memorial collision Long Island New York

Saturday night main event has a lot of wrestling history it was created in 1985 by licnic Vince McMahon it aired on nbc network it showcased so many superstars who became iconsin wwe and got inducted into the hall of fame such as junk yard dog macho man Randy Savage ricky the dragon steam boat rody Piper mr fuji and so many more now on December 14th 2024 entire new generations going to hit that ring Randy Orton Cody Rhodes Roman reigns Bianca belair Jade Cargill seth Rollins Bronson Reed Braun strowman so many more

Tag Team you never expected to join together Roman reigns and Cody Rhodes to face Solo sikoa and Jacob fatu at bad blood this is going to be good

after Cody Rhodes beat Solo sikoa in steel cage match The new bloodline decided to jump in the ring and simply destroy Cody Rhodes but they didn't think the otc Roman reigns would show up and get revenge jumping him a few weeks ago he hot revenge but Solo sikoa decided to make a tag team match at bad blood Cody Rhodes and Roman reigns didn't want to sign the contract but to finally get thei hands on The new bloodline they both signed it now its official at bad blood its going to be Roman reigns and Cody Rhodes vs Solo sikoa and Jacob fatu i know something is going to happen either jimmy uso going to screw Solo sikoa and Jacob fatu or somebody else

Smackdown has Brand New name logo to debut on the USA network it looks way better than normal one use to seeing

smackdown debuted August 26 1999 on upn network originally on Thursday nights at 8pm created by iconic Vince McMahon through out the years The show has bounced on several networks such as cw, my network tv, Syfy,usa network,fox and now after 5 years back with usa Network with all new intro new design logo but they could've pick legendary artists to do the music they just celebrated 26 years throwing down matches from legends to the superstars now especially the bloodline everyweek is something new ron Simmons therdore long rvd william regal, Vikki Guerrero returned for the special night triple h kicked the show off as always

Number yeet contender Jey uso now has Bron breaker to deal with to get that intercontinental champion belt so he can raise it' up as the new champion

Jey uso had to Go against three other opponents Braun strowman,iija dragunov and pete dunne jey picked up the big win the match is set but when and where is it going to be at jey had multiple title dhot but failed because someone got involved especially when he fought Roman reigns for the world title almost winning referee counting 1,2 almost 3 when jimmy pulled him out attacking him costing Jey uso the match now Jey uso has oppunity to pull off big upset taking away Bron breaker intercontinental champion belt that Sammi couldn't do twice in two different matches

Black Queens once again has handled another title defense on Monday night raw beating up their opponents not breaking a sweat

they bonded together and became a destruable force just like the brothers of destruction kane and taker but the female version crushing their opponents who ever steps up and challenges them that's what happened on Monday night raw total beat down opponents bodies flying all over the ring when the nell rung bianca and jade might just break records and become the longest women holding tag titles in wwe i wonder whos going to face them at The next event either bad blood or survivor series they have beaten big list so far Bianca and Jada just might travel to nxt and give a team a shot at the titles

Hall of famer Bret the hitman hart going to be on Monday night raw September 9 2024 I know someone is going to come out and mess with him

last time bret hart was seen on tv was at wwe clash of the castle in 2022 three years ago so its been even longer on Monday night raw now raw is going to be in Canada where bret still lives enjoying retirement now hes making appearance on raw in his home town I wonder what wwehas cooked up is someone going to attack him putting him in a submission hold or is he there to promote something he's doing especially to see his loyal Long time fans who still support him his career definitely legacy so many have followed especially from Canada

The iconic Titan tower's is up for sale you can own apart of wrestling history since 1985

the titan Tower's has been the home of wwe before they dropped the f out of wwe since 1985 the building has been standing tall it had many wrestling legends come and go through out the decades they created major events like WrestleMania that still goes on today the deal you get is the building surrounding acres and 300 car parking lot its located at 1241east main Street Stamford Connecticut once you buy it you can do whatever you want make it into a tourist attraction for wrestling fans to walkthrough they can travel back when they first started watching

Odyssey Jones does WWE have bigger plans for him the reason why he was removed from the Monday night raw roster

what's the big plan for Odyssey Jones he was dominating on Monday night raw beating Up aop twice but now he was pulled from Monday night raw roster he just might return as a heel and attack Kofi Kingston and woods joining him to form new group beating down others making a team for survivor series war games unless they changing his name and look don't know only him and WWE knows what going on they wouldn't pull him unless it's important to their brand to excite the wwe fans to build off of fans always going to keep it 100 percent they're going to cheer or boo

Dummy Dom almost got his skinny neck broken by Rhea Ripley her legs wrapped around him squeezing tight he's lucky Liv Morgan came in

the choke hold seen by billions of people around the world dummy Dom should've never screwed Rhea Ripley our of her match and even turning on her because that revenge paid off Rhea Ripley and Damien destroyed dummy Dom and Liv Morgan at bash in Berlin judgement Day tried to get involved just to be thrown around to Rhea Ripley had dummy Dom turning red choking him out using her legs but liv came in breaking it up just to get kicked in the face judgement day kicked out The wrong members especially being the one's that are strongest now since Rhea Ripley pinned liv she's going to get title shot

Dynamic Duo back on top again as new WWE women's tag team champions Bianca belair and Jade Cargill dominating in Germany

dynamic Duo Bianca belair and Jade Cargill has been dominating the tag division for a while now even before winning the tag team titles the first time knocking opponents down but got screwed out of them in triple threat match but at this year's bash in Berlin they got them back by dominating getting the pin with they tag move it was basically a two on one match because her partner was in the corner knocked out Cold it wasn't even a challenge to them at all the matching green outfits dam looking good now they got matching gold to go with it

Wood's should turn heel and attack kofi causing the new day break up and they settle it at bad blood event

the new day has been in wwe since debut July 21 2014 winning tag team champion belts together multiple times has been all over the world The members are Big e kofi kingston and Xavier woods they been together for ten years but big e got injured on March of 2022 ending his career as in Ring superstar so that left Kofi and woods battling together in matches and in single matches so kofi decided to bring in odyssey jones to help in six man match Kofi tagged odyssey had instead of woods he made that face like I'm going to get you back by beating you up he thinks Odyssey jones is replacing big e he's right they going to find Kofi back stage assaulted

Yeet has advanced to the next round in the tournament winner get a shot at the intercontinental champion Bron breaker can Jey uso win it all

the fatal four way match so far is Jey uso and pete dunne two more wrestlers spot left but who's it going to be to fill them so many theres two more triple threat matches going to happen those two will be add but is Bron breaker going to get involved and attack everyone because fatal four way has no rules at all no count out sny weapons can be used to knock others out cold is Solo sikoa and the bloodline going to screw Jey uso out of his match just like Jimmy use to can jey handle Bron breaker strength and speed in the ring

It' looks like Jacob fatu really didn't want to give up his belt to Tanga loa his face impression told it all is Jacob fatu going to turn on Solo sikoa for doing that

winning a major title makes you somebody you get respected for all the hard work you put in especially being a tag team champion but to be forced to give it to somebody else its crazy i know Jacob fatu is angry about it because I would've been i think hes going to eventually turn on Solo sikoa to join Roman reigns to take down Solo sikoa and the bloodline at survivor series war games to be the only tribal chief on smackdown Jacob fatu returns home to see empty space where he kept his belt its going to get to him Solo sikoa own down fall is going to be his own fault making them do things they don't want to do

The human dart that's what Bron breaker turned Sami Zayn into when he straight into the baracade wall his Head bounced off

this was supposed to be Sami Zayn rematch from summer slam when he lost his intercontinental champion belt to Bron breaker Sami Zayn at summer slam just got straight destroyed everything he did got countered Bron breaker got the win and The belt Sami Zayn cashed in his rematch on Monday night raw the style of match was decided to be two out of three falls Sami Zayn got the first pin than Bron breaker threw Sami Zayn around especially into the baracade and picked up the second pin to tie it up the third Bron breaker straight whipped him up Sami Zayn didn't have a chance bron caught him with a spear from the top rope knocking Sami Zayn out coldto get the final pin winning the match

Rtruth just became the second victim of Bronson Reed big tsunami splash on Monday night raw who's going to be his third victim

RTruth always getting Mis into crazy matches except when they won tag team champion belts that lasted about two weeks or less than got involved with judgement day for awhile now RTruth has done it getting Mizin a match with Bronson Reed he thought he was bron breaker for intercontinental champion belt once Miz saw the tv he flipped for a second until orton motivated him to go our there and fight but Miz got pinned RTuth moved Miz and he got attacked by the tsunami multiple times just like Seth Rollins RTruth is the second victim now Bronson Reed has been suspended for his attack's on Monday night raw who's going to be the one who stops Bronson Reed rampage on superstars of Monday night raw when he comes back

Two friends are going to become enemies after bash in Berlin especially if Cody Rhodes gives the Kevin Owens pinned to the mat fo the count

Kevin Owens didn't want to be in the championship title match at all because he said he didn't earn it but if he didn't take it the match could've went to Roman reigns making his Big return at summer slam beating up Solo sikoa and helping Cody Rhodes pick up the win he's really lucky Roman reigns didn't screw him Solo sikoa could've been The New champion on smackdown if Kevin Owens wins I think Cody Rhodes is going to snap start beating up everybody become a heel creating his own group doing damage putting other superstars on injured list until he gets another title shot getting The belt back 

This is going to be a throw down match Gunther vs Randy Orton at bash in Berlin I bet Orton body going to be bloody from Gunther multiple slaps

It's been a long time since Randy Orton had a title shot especially for the world title Randy Orton has to avoid the big hand slaps of Gunther because They can do damage leaving him to loose the match and Gunther leaving still champion Orton going to keep moving around to not get caught in the sleeper hold submission that's how Damien lost his belt plus finn got involved Orton hads a lot of enemies especially the bloodline they would do anything to make him loose to Gunther it even could be someone returning from being injured getting involved in the match 

Bronson Reed just made himself famous by taking out the former world champion Seth Rollins by hitting multiple tsunamis i crushing Rollins stomach

big Bronson Reed is tired of sitting back waiting for his turn to become a champion so the best way to get ahead of the competition is to start taking out opponents putting them on injured list to get him up faster first victim is Seth Rollins Bronson Reed crushing Rollins with multiple tsunami moves they couldn't stop him so they had to grab Rollins and move him out of the way so no more is Seth Rollins going to be able to get revenge at bad blood or is he going to be out for a while until survivor series fighting in team getting his hands on Bronson Reed

Roman Reigns 1,316 Days Signature Series Undisputed Championship Title Belt it sold out fast price tag of $599

WWE has created a new title you can get representing Roman reigns long record over 1300 days holding on to the championship title before WrestleMania 40 a total of 4 years beating down opponents big and small even in triple threat matches in main events overseas they also have his new T-shirt that says OTC means original tribal chief and they have hoodies to they said at summer slam his merch sold out in two hours so I know it's going to be awhile before They restock on the belt to buy right now they definitely took their time and added everything to the design that makes Roman reigns 

Roman reigns is back looking to get revenge on all the smack tak Solo sikoa has been putting out especially attacking Paul Heyman and Jimmy

Roman reigns last time Roman reigns has been in the ring was at WrestleMania 40 where he was screwed out of the title with the help of other wrestler's if he didn't use that chair on seth Rollins and got distracted from the match he would've won it all but it didn't happen he made his return at summer slam jumping in the ring attacking Solo sikoa instead of Cody Rhodes he hit Solo sikoa with super punch and spear starting The match for survivor series war games who's going to be joining Roman reigns team it could be Jimmy uso and Jey uso getting back together and someone else that hasn't been in the ring yet but family 

Gunther dominating the intercontinental champion belt now he's world champion beating Damien at summer slam

Gunther started his career in the uk nxt dominating over opponents his regin went on for 870 days than he moved up to the us nxt brand in January of 2022 not long he was moved to the main roster winning the intercontinental champion belt breaking 30 year old record his 666 days holding on to the belt putting him in WWE history book now beating Damien for the world title at summer slam puts him on top of Monday night raw i dont think nobody going to try to take it from him but there's going to be several wrestler's will be and loose against him

Drew McIntyre has finally got his revenge at summer slam you should always pay attention to your opponent instead of the refs

the feud originally started at the 2024 royal rumble where drew McIntyre the threw him over the ropes crushing his dreams of being at WrestleMania 40 but than he decided to go after everything drew McIntyre fighting for screwing him out of multiple matches even in his own home town making him loose in front of his own family and friends making Drew McIntyre snap and going on attack mode beating up several refs got suspended and had to pay a big fine to Adam so general manager Adam had no choice but to het seth Rollins to be ref at their summer slam match his anger vast him the match not paying attention attacking Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre picking up the win getting revenge

the Queen Nia Jax has become champion defeating over Bailey now who's going to be Nia Jax next victim

she joined nxt in 2014 dominating all opponents by 2015 eas drafted to thesin roster knocking down The ladies one by oneshe even became tag team champion twice with Shanna be basyler by 2021 her contact ended she decided to leave for awhile doing other things but by 2023 she decided to be in the womens Royal rumble were its only one winner to pick the chamiop they choose to fight at WrestleMania didn't win re sign to wwe she won the queen of the ring and earned a title shot at this years summer slam her and Bailey had one big brawl countering each other moves but nia jax straight up crushes Bailey to become new wwe title nia jax now sits on top but who's going to tryto take the belt from her

La Knight has got gold for the first time in his career as the new United States champion winning at summer slam

la knight has bee in wrestling for awhile now started in wwe on nxt in 2021 building a name for himself than than by 2022 he was moved to the main roster as corny manager of modeling group that failed really bad he tried multiple times to become a champion and failed either someone got involved with his matches or he didn't have enough to pick up the win but now he finally done it winning the United States gold pinning that clown in the ring but can la knight hold on to the united States champion belt until WrestleMania 41 in Vegas or can his next opponent beat him

Bron breaker broke sammi into pieces leaving the ring as the new intercontinental champion

first he debuted on nxt as a security guard getting involved in matches beating up wrestlers than became full time nxt wrestler dominating over his opponents winning mxt world title than winning the nxt tag team champion belts than got drafted to Monday night raw started breaking bones putting wrestlers on the injured list the last one was ricochet than got his title shot for intercontinental champion belt each time someone got involved with his match messing it up but now summer slam he just won the gold that he's been trying to win destroying Sammi zayn with his high speed spear that broke sammi in half leaving him in the ring passed out

The tag team gold has returned to the bloodline who's going to try to take them I don't think it will be nobody

the last time the bloodline has held the tag team champion belts was when the usos held them breaking the all time wwe record for the most days 622 days as champions putting them in wrestling history book so far nobody have came close to breaking their record they was dominating over much bigger opponents than them but than they got screwed at WrestleMania alot have happened since than new belts was created some tag teams didn't hold them long enough to get 10 days but now the new bloodline Jacob fatu and tama tonga are the new tag team champions beating diy from the start everything diy eas trying to do Jacob fatu and tama countered theor moves i don't think nobody can take the belts off Jacob fatu and Tama they probably going to be The ones who is going to break 622 days record

Charlotte flair working on her way back to being 100? percent so she can get back in the ring and be on top as world champion in wwe

Charlotte flair is a 14 time world champion that beat some of wwe best in multiple matches throughout the years but she lost biggest match against Rhea Ripley who was the royal rumble taken her belt ended her winning streak as champion after she lost that made her get back of the line to get another shot at the title she was in an match against asuka but the match ended in her getting injured she tore her acl MCL and meniscus she still has long way to go been missing all the action first WrestleMania 40 the royal rumble and king and Queen of the ring and now money in the Bank she may make her big return at summer slam or even later for now just building her body to get back to 100 percent

WWE should bring back The 80s style tshirts in New designs so more fans can buy them

So many t shirts designs the wwe has designed over the decades but the 80s wrestlers didn't get a chance to capitalize over them like today superstars do wee can show younger generations how the wrestling started create entire New designs imagine seeing junkyard dog,macho man, ultimate warrior,ron Simmons,iron shiek, Jerry Lawler,andre the Giant,Bret Hart,yokozuna ,afa,sika,Ernie ladd,Peter mavia, Tony Atlas and so many more  you can show up to raw smackdown wearing a classic design made in 2024 better quality than back than some collectors could never wear the older ones they afraid to destroy the shirt by putting it on

November 30th battle in Canada has began survivor series war games who's going to dominate for their team

the last time survivor series war games eas on November 25 2023 Randy Orton and r truth made thei big returns the war game battle was the mens team are Cody Rhodes Seth Rollins Jey uso Randy Orton Sammy dominated and defeated the team of the judgement day Orton came out last and took out the team now the women's team are bianca beliair Charlotte flair shotzi and Becky lynch they straight dominated over the damage ctrl it was the 37th survivor series all went down in Chicago but this years 2024 survivor series war games is being held in Canada is it' going to be the bloodline the real family feud who's going to dominate for their team

kamala was the first wrestler to body slam Andrew the giant to the mat he deserves the credit and it should be in wwe history books

two men that decades later be inducted into the wwe Hall of Fame but before that they had multiple battles in the ring and out side of the ring to They fought all over the world making an impact gaining more fans that would later become wrestling superstars themselves but on this day kamala picked up the great Andre the giant a man that was bigger and stronger than himbut kamala never got the credit for his slam this should be in wwe history books but instead they got that garbage clown slamming Andre the giant to the mat Kamala deserves that historical moment

Mexico needs to have a major WWE premium live event I say give them a ECW event nothing but high flying hardcore lucha libre style matches

Since lucha libre is extreme wrestling style that has a lot of high flying action moving around just like the infamous ECW give Mexico that event because other events are already booked in other places so many high flyer's can definitely bring on a good show especially when you involve weapons like tables ladders chairs stick's seeing someone going through tables I know the Mexico crowd would go crazy but when would WWE have the time since they are so booked up in other places doing events and how many wrestler's can they get for the event  can you imagine seeing Rey mysterio vs his son Dominic in hardcore match 

big return Jimmy uso finally cleared but who side is he going to be standing tall on Roman reigns or Solo sikoa

Before he got injured by the new bloodline Roman reigns was still Head of the table Paul Heyman was the Wiseman Solo sikoa was in the background they all was screwing Jey uso out of multiple matches before he left smackdown went to raw still getting screwed jimmy USO couldn't dominate at WrestleMania 40 over Jey uso and failed to help Roman reigns so he was punished and kicked out by Solo sikoa and the New bloodline The last time he was in the ring was April 12 2024 on smackdown but when is he going to make The return 

Rhea Ripley has finally returned to break bones but is Dominick mysterio going to screw Rhea Ripley our of a title shot at summer slam to be with Liv Morgan

Rhea Ripley before she went out with the injury she was dominating Monday night raw women's division breaking bones putting them on the shelf Liv Morgan not a champion at all she doesn't have that dominating skill like Rhea has now Liv is in trouble because Rhea Ripley is looking to getting her title back and to destroy Liv Morgan and anybody else that gets in her way but can she still trust Dominick mysterio and judgement day for pushing her to the side and letting Liv Morgan in it can all go down at summer slam or evenuch earlier

drew McIntyre was suspended for busting raw general manager Adam in the mouth with his elbow

drew McIntyre has been getting screwed over since WrestleMania 40 when he won the title but this idiot cost him the title because Damien cashed in on him than couple more times after until Monday night raw in Chicago drew got his handson him had him laying in his own blood drew won the 2024 mens money in the bank he cashed it in to make triple threat match but who comes out and screwed him again but the idiot drew got so frustrated that he showed up on live stream show back stage referees got pushed down but adam gow elbowed in the mouth causing him to suspend drew and has to pay a big fine

the bloodline was to strong for the team of Cody Rhodes Owen and Randy Orton they basically got destroyed Solo sikoa getting the 3 count over the champion

the verbal beat down on each other has been going back and forth between each team for couple of weeks now especially when the bloodline finally assaulted the Wiseman Paul Heyman taking him out the team of Cody Rhodes Kevin Owens and Randy Orton had enough of them running around leaving a path of destruction so They challenged the bloodline to match at this year's money in the bank but all three failed to pick up the win Solo sikoa getting the pin for his team and getting a title shot for himself it could be at summer slam if Solo sikoa get the win than bloodline gets the title back and the luxury perks that comes with it

Jey uso got screwed by Drew McIntyre he threw a steel ladder busting Jey uso in the face knocking him off the ladder than kicking him out of the ring

the mens . money in the bank everybody was trying to go after the case but each person was stopping one another even Gable he grabbed it jey took the ladder from under him had him swinging in the air holding onto the case he fell all the way down on his stomach than jey setup the ladder grabbed the case got it unlocked just before he took it off Drew busted him in The face knocking him off Drew climbed up and slide the Case off the hook into his hands winning he cashed it in to early and failed again

John Cena has decided to retire from WWE but he's going to have one more run in 2025 will he be champion becoming 17 time champion breaking a WWE record

John Cena started his career back in the attitude era when the ruthless aggression was created to give wrestler's a choice either be good or you're be fired from the company so John Cena came out to approach kurt angle and attack him beating him all over the arena making a name for himself even takrr gave him respect went on to be on main wwe roster getting matches with legendary wrestler's and beating them that' led to multiple title matches becoming 16 time champion traveling all over the world now he's about to hang up his bootsfoe good but before he does he's going on one more run in wwe starting in 2025at royal rumble than the elimination chamber and finally WrestleMania 41 in Vegas will be his last stop as wwe superstar for good this time no more poping up

Bad Blood Saturday October 5 who's blood is going to be spilled all over the arena just might be the champion bleeding in hardcore match

Bad blood started as a match back in October 5 1997 at the pay per view in your house when it was still WWF it also started a match called hell in the cell both became pay per view event's through our the years bad blood made a lot of history legendary wrestlers fighting it out with each other I wonder who's going to be in pay per view event coming up in October and who's going to be still champion I like to see bloodline vs another group now that would top it All at the event 

who's really the tribal chief that belongs to the Head of the table solo sikoa or Roman reigns because Solo just said Roman reigns failed at it all

solo sikoa said Roman reigns wasn't man enough to successfully beat Cody Rhodes and represent the entire family on his back but he and the New bloodline is Solo is looking to destroy Cody Rhodes and take back world title bringing it to the bloodline family just imagine solo do beat Cody Rhodes that's something Roman reigns didn't do than bloodline wins tag team titles and united States title and nia jax get woman's world title and join bloodline they be the first group To be holding all the gold in one group together dominating over the wwe division

Revenge of Paul Heyman could be coming to money in the Bank to destroy the New bloodline match or later you never know

Paul Heyman is not going to let being attached go he's going to get revenge on all the new bloodline it's just a matter of time and who's going to be coming back with Paul Heyman could be one person or entire group knocking off each bloodline one at a time or go full force attack on all of them it could be Roman reigns with Zilla FATU The son of legendary Umaga to help but since Paul Heyman got booted out who's going to be the New Wiseman so Paul Heyman can get his hands on taking him out 

Paul Heyman finally stood up to the new bloodline and got destroyed for it is Roman reigns going to get revenge on them for beating down his wise man

Paul Heyman and Roman reigns has been riding together for over four years or more been through all his title matches and group battles The least time Paul Heyman was with Roman reigns was at WrestleMania 40 he decided to take big break and Solo sakoa became the tribal chief in charge of the bloodline but Solo sakoa is taking his own path and beat down Jimmy uso kicked him out and brung in who he wanted he wanted Paul Heyman to acknowledge him with tribal chief necklace that belonged to Roman reigns but Heyman said Roman reigns is his tribal chief Solo sakoa attack him than had Jacob fatu jump off and crush Heyman than powerbombed Heyman threw the table it's going to be awhile before you see Heyman on smackdown

Jacob fatu made his WWE debut and he destroyed Randy Orton Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes leaving their broken bodies on the floor

you thought the bloodline was dangerous when the usos and Roman reigns was together nah Solo sakoa bloodline is more dangerous and now they got Jacob fatu joining ina man that been breaking bones in matches in other wrestling companies now wwe has signed him he dominated leaving Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton and Kevin Owens hurting i can see Solo sakoa taking away Cody Rhodes belt at money in the bank or summer slam and the others as tag team champions holding all the gold on smackdown with strong group like that there's not anybody else can match up to them