
Showing posts from May, 2024

Finally told the truth she attacked jade Cargill and got another whooping when Jade came out to the Ring

we as fans already knew she was because you can tell every time bianca brung it up Naomi does something to distract bianca from getting to The truth and discovering what she really done well Naomi didn't expect Jade to return snd she did destroying Naomi at elimination chamber before the match started on smackdown episode March 7 2025 bianca finally got Naomi to admit to the truth and Jade Cargill came out and destroyed her again and bianca didn't help

Nia Jax has been crowned Queen of the ring and has summer slam title shot with her being dominated she's definitely walking out with the title around her waist adding another career win to her record

Nia Jax has been knocking down some of the top former champions in the women's division like Becky Lynch bianca beliair, Rhea Ripley, and other's now she' has become queen of the ring and she beat  Lyra Valkyrie by crushing her head into the mat getting the win now she's the queen and has a guaranteed world title shot at 2024 summer slam coming up in August who ever is champion by then has a big problem on their hands called Nia Jax I know she's going to get that gold and be on top with the crown summer slam definitely going to be heating up with these matches going on 

they both are the hottest tag team dominating over the women's division got the win with new tag move

Bianca beliair and Jade Cargill lost their shot to be the queen of the ring and has future world title shot but they still came up big at the event beating Candice and indi they both got dominated Candice and indi need to go their separate ways and do single matches because they have been beating up multiple times bianca beliair Jade Cargill surprised everybody who a tag team combination move they must've been working on it definitely paid off they got the win still tag team champions I wonder who's going to challenge them next or is Nick going to have another tournament 

Winners of the King & Queen gets guaranteed title shot at summer slam becoming king and queen can boost your career than go in to take The title away from the champion as king and queen straight dominating

King of the ring started July 8 1985  it was just a tournament to be on top b The WWE as king but wwe added quee for the ladies to Go for the crown tournament usually the winners just get crown and septer calling Themselves King and Queen now triple h just made The stakes even higher by given the winners a guaranteed world title shot at summer slam in August the tournament is still going on Gunther is waiting to fight either tama Tonga or Randy Orton Lyra valkykera is waiting for either bianca beliair or Nia Jax to be in the finals Saturday night 

Summer slam of 2026 is going to be 2 night blockbuster starting August 1 ends August 2nd

WWE has already made future plans for summer slam making it 2 nights it has to have so many matches going down summer slam2024 hasn't gotten here yet and 2025 is next year they definitely expanding The events for the fans to enjoy more I know it's going to be worth it they already have the location at The US Bank stadium in Minneapolis Minnesota already booked in their calendar for future events wwe should do all events like this 2 nights giving The fans more action especially if they travel outside their state to go to The events given More time for fans to stay 

RIKISHI FATU dynasty forever he breaks down Their legacy on how The family legacy grew in wwe in his music that been selling good

Their legacy goes all the way back to the WWF days breaking down doors for their entire family of past present and future each of them has won championship belts single and tag team dominating in their eras even today with the next generation of The families holding it down for The legends of the families especially the wins who are winning being on top of wrestling  there's always been hiphop in WWE even way back than WWE had soundtracks of wrestlers intro's on CDs now RIKISHI has created his own hiphop track called dynasty forever breaking down what it really means 

ilja dragunov has been defeated by the main event Jey USO to advance but can he handle the pressure winning and becoming king Jey and rule or fail and lose it

Jey uso has been on a roll by beating Finn balor last this week  taking out dragunov this week on Monday night raw dragunov lost because he made Big mistake of missing Jey uso and cracking his hand on table getting injured couldn't pull of his signature move he tried it but he was screaming in pain couldn't get the pin so Jey countering and hit him with the spear hit his signature  splash off the top rope getting the pin I know his career going to expand beating the man that holds a win over Gunther now next week Jey has to fight Gunther 

September WWE smackdown joins Monday night raw on USA network both shows really going to dominate The network bringing in more people to watch that never watched before

Smackdown originally started on the upn network channel in 1999 than moved to cw channel in 2005 even been on mynetworktc channel and syfy channel eventually getting picked up by usa channel in 2015 they had a long run on channel but by  October 4 2019 Fox network made a deal to air WWE smackdown providing fans with blockbuster matches every week Fox and wwe contact must be up because starting September 13 2024 the USA network is going to be home for all their blockbuster matches 

Bobby Lashey was replaced in the King of the ring due to being injured workout after that his career went down hill and left because he couldn't handle the pressure

Bobby Lashey could have been the 2024 King of the ring but getting injured WWE takes that very seriously they do not let anyone wrestle being injured especially when they not medically cleared down know what injury he has  he can't compete until he gets the ok from The medical doctors that watches over them while in and out The Ring it might just be something minor just need few days to rest up or something that needs surgery at least it's someone he respects taking his place Dawkins from the street profits he can go far and win making it good for all of them 

Jey uso advances to the second round can he successfully win it all to be one of the first in the family to be the king of the ring and go on to be world champion

With the 2024 King and Queen of the ring coming up it's a fight to just get into the tournament it's going down in Saudi arabia on May 25  at their super dome arena Jey uso has beaten fin balor  but now he has to fight ilja dragunal very dangerous man that knocked out richochet Jey is going to have to step up his skills to be able to defeat him to get to the finals this match is happening on next week Monday night raw I wonder if someone going to get involved probably drew he tried to get involved when Jay was fighting fon 

WrestleMania 41 is going down in Las Vegas 2025 so I know everybody going to be there especially celebrities fans looking to watch their favorite wrestlers

WrestleMania is making it's return in Las Vegas after 31 years they were there for WrestleMania 9 April 41993 where some of the biggest legends fought like  yokoz, Bret Hart ,Brutus beefcake,Ted dibiiase they all now in the Hall of Fame now WWE is set to make a big return on April 19 and 20  2025 how long WrestleMania is going to be what style of matches is going to go down can diamen and Cody Rhodes hold on to the titles that long since the draft who's going to make a major impact for their brands  at WrestleMania 41

The bloodline adding new members destroying anyone going against them in and outside the ring on both shows

See bloodline is the most dominate group now Everytime you think they about to be defeated here comes a new member saving the day The match  at backlash went down orton and Kevin thought they finally put down the bloodline but another dominate family member named tanga loa pulled the referee out of the ring just in Time hitting Orton and Kevin with stairs I wonder how many more are going to join bloodline how big are they going to get did Paul Heyman turn on Roman reigns the reason why he haven't spoken to him since WrestleMania 40  is Roman reigns going to return and battle against solo and his bloodline 

Bianca beliair & jade Cargill is WWE tag team champions they beat down Kabuki warriors

The dynamic duo has been beating down the Kabuki warriors before WrestleMania 40 taking down damage Ctrl multiple times  WWE paired the perfect power houses together they going to be unstoppable in singles matches and now tag team champion matches Kabuki warriors didn't even have a chance  they came in to the match afraid of Bianca beliair and Jade Cargill  the new champions is going to take tag division to a whole new level  defeating all who steps up and challenges them I wonder who's going to step up now and make that challenge  I wonder if it's going to be on smackdown or at the Next pay per