OTC revenge on Seth Rollins on Monday night raw 3/10/25 this could lead to a triple threat match either on raw next week or at WrestleMania 41

last time we saw Roman reigns was at Royal rumble in January where him and seth Rollins was eliminated over the ropes Roman reigns eas getting up and Rollins decided to stomp his head twice taking him out for awhile but what better eay to get revenge by picking the right time and that's exactly what Roman reigns did grabbing him out of the cage super punch him speared him and stomped his head into the floor he tried to do it on stairs but Adam and security stopped it but is Paul Heyman betraying Roman reigns being he went to check on punk in the cage

Jey uso advances to the second round can he successfully win it all to be one of the first in the family to be the king of the ring and go on to be world champion

With the 2024 King and Queen of the ring coming up it's a fight to just get into the tournament it's going down in Saudi arabia on May 25  at their super dome arena Jey uso has beaten fin balor  but now he has to fight ilja dragunal very dangerous man that knocked out richochet Jey is going to have to step up his skills to be able to defeat him to get to the finals this match is happening on next week Monday night raw I wonder if someone going to get involved probably drew he tried to get involved when Jay was fighting fon 


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