
Showing posts with the label Jey uso

Monster match at WrestleMania 41 Braun strowman and Jacob fatu collide in WrestleMania 41 Street fight match only one can survive

big men like thishas been battling each other ever since the icons andre the giant bog john stud king Kong bundy and so many more now it's Braun strowman and Jacob fatu going down destroying each other triple h needs to make their match a wrestlemania street fight match where they can finally go at it the eay monsters need to fight no rules at all one leaves the winner the other is the loser but i know somebody going to get involved in the match like Bronson reed might make his big return and caost Braun strowman the win

And the new intercontinental champion the yeet man himself Jey uso has won his first single title in year's now he's have to work much harder to hold on to it

Jey uso has made history adding his name to the legendary lost of family members that have won the belt such as the rock,Rikishi,umags, Roman reigns and he defeated Bron breaker he kept saying that Jey uso couldn't beat him nobody from the family is ever going to do it well Jey uso proved him wrong ny getting The pin 123 The crowd went crazy i know he and the family going to celebrate now bron breaker gotta get back in line for title shot unless he's going for much bigger title The world heavyweight belt that's probably going to happen at next event

Jey uso got screwed by Drew McIntyre he threw a steel ladder busting Jey uso in the face knocking him off the ladder than kicking him out of the ring

the mens . money in the bank everybody was trying to go after the case but each person was stopping one another even Gable he grabbed it jey took the ladder from under him had him swinging in the air holding onto the case he fell all the way down on his stomach than jey setup the ladder grabbed the case got it unlocked just before he took it off Drew busted him in The face knocking him off Drew climbed up and slide the Case off the hook into his hands winning he cashed it in to early and failed again

Main event Jey uso has done it clinched a guaranteed spot in the money in the Bank the event that turned superstars into champions

money in the bank has changed lives turning superstars that won it into champions over the years but theres a few that failed at cashing in the Case on a champion Damien won it last year 2023 and cashed in on drew at WrestleMania 40 2024he held the belt for short time before getting clockedin the Head now it's time for a new winnerto grab that caseto cash in on gold it could be main event Jey uso grabbing it cashing it on Damien or Cody Rhodes both of them are going to be looking close to see Jey uso is the first opponent there's more of them to qualify

ilja dragunov has been defeated by the main event Jey USO to advance but can he handle the pressure winning and becoming king Jey and rule or fail and lose it

Jey uso has been on a roll by beating Finn balor last this week  taking out dragunov this week on Monday night raw dragunov lost because he made Big mistake of missing Jey uso and cracking his hand on table getting injured couldn't pull of his signature move he tried it but he was screaming in pain couldn't get the pin so Jey countering and hit him with the spear hit his signature  splash off the top rope getting the pin I know his career going to expand beating the man that holds a win over Gunther now next week Jey has to fight Gunther 

Jey uso advances to the second round can he successfully win it all to be one of the first in the family to be the king of the ring and go on to be world champion

With the 2024 King and Queen of the ring coming up it's a fight to just get into the tournament it's going down in Saudi arabia on May 25  at their super dome arena Jey uso has beaten fin balor  but now he has to fight ilja dragunal very dangerous man that knocked out richochet Jey is going to have to step up his skills to be able to defeat him to get to the finals this match is happening on next week Monday night raw I wonder if someone going to get involved probably drew he tried to get involved when Jay was fighting fon 

Jey uso got the win over Finn balor judgement day tried their best but failed to screw Jey out of winning but it cost Finn Balor to lose

Jey uso just keep stacking up wins since jimmy uso no longer get involved in his matches by coming to Monday night raw especially since what the blood line did to him on smackdownor judgement day tried to jump him but Jay uso got away by kicking Dom in the face knocking him down at backlash Jey uso has the chance to hold a world title if he can successfuly pin Damien  but I know someone is going to get involved in the match screwing him again like his other matches but it maybe that jimmy helps Jey uso win to be family again